Love Jewel OKINAWAに関して書かれたブログ記事「OKINAWA SOBA ALWAYS 」を紹介いたします。
記事でもご紹介のLove Jewel OKINAWAにぜひ一度遊びに行ってみて下さい!
Love Jewel OKINAWAを含め、このエリアには楽しいお店がいっぱいです!ぜひ一度遊びに行ってみて下さい!
Even in these tough times, half of the girls in the brothels and Soaplands of Okinawa will not accept foreigners, even if you speak Japanese, and wave a fist-full of money at them --- the girls would rather go hungry (or not buy that Gucci Bag they were ... The fact that there exists the remote possibility that YOU AND YOUR BATH GIVER might actually FALL IN LOVE, and end up MAKING LOVE before you go home, is totally unrelated to the BATH THAT YOU PAID FOR.